Sunday 9 December 2012

Barbe is Back!

Yesterday morning Ken and I decided to brave the minus 21 degree temperature and head out to Barbe Lake. Usually this time of year is one of the best for ice fishing, (after New Years the fish become very lethargic and harder to catch). After setting up Ken's portable shack we commenced to fishing. One of the highlights of  ice fishing this lake is that the water is so clear you can see the fish attacking your lure.This morning however the water was dark and slightly murky, mainly due to the heavy snowfall we received last week. As it turned out the lack of water clarity worked to our advantage, as the fish maybe couldn't see as well either. After a slow start I finally managed to catch a small Rainbow (about 8") that was good to see that the lake had been restocked. Next I managed to land one the largest Rainbows that I have caught in quite a few years, we guessed that it was 10 lbs. plus. At the end of the morning Ken and I had caught a total of 8 fish (4 Master Anglers) that we released. I originally had planned to keep a couple for smoking but because of the cold temperature I was not brave enough to fillet any fish. Maybe next time. Good to see that Barbe is back!  

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